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Cat Tool Training for Professional Translators
Test your skills for Trados Studio Official Certification
(CAT TOOLS - Trados Studio 2022)
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1) What is a 100% match (also known as Full Match)?
- A segment in a document that is similar to another one that was translated in the past and that is stored in a TM.
- A segment in a document that is identical to a segment stored in a TM that is connected to the project.
- A suggestion from a TM that is similar to a segment fragment from the current source segment.
- A sentence that is repeated exactly the same within a document.
2) A repetition in an Analyze Files report is...
- A segment that occurs more than once in one or several documents of a project and for which an exact match can be found in the selected TM.
- A segment that is new, but that occurs more than once in one or several documents of a project.
- A segment that is new, but for which there are three or more occurrences in the same document.
- A segment that occurs more than once in one or several documents of a project and for which an exact or a fuzzy match has been found in the selected TM.
3) What is a context match?
- A segment from the translation memory that is 100% identical to the segment currently being translated.
- A segment that is 100% identical to a segment from the translation memory and that was previously translated in the same document (i.e. the same context) as the segment found in the translation memory.
- A segment that is identical or similar to a segment from the translation memory, and that is preceded and followed by the same segments as the one found in the translation memory.
- A segment in the current document that is 100% identical to a segment from the translation memory and that is preceded by the same segment as the segment from the translation memory.
4) What are we going to do when we hit the short-cut CTRL+, (COMMA)?
- We try to entre a translated TERM into the target box
- We want to change the formatting of a WORD or of a FRAGMENT of a sentence
- We want to add a placeable into the target sentence
- We want to select a number that is present in the source sentence
5) Where is it possible to view the list of documents to be translated within a project?
- In the Files view.
- In the Home view.
- In the Editor view.
- In the Translation Memories view.
6) Which extension is used for SDL Trados Studio Packages?
7) What happens when you right-click a project and select Open Project Folder from the context menu?
- General information on the project is displayed in a separate window.
- All project files and folders are displayed in the Files view.
- The Confirmation Statistics are displayed.
- The project files are displayed in Windows folder.
8) What is the file extension for files created with SDL Trados Studio Termbase?
9) What is a termbase (TB)?
- A database for storing source segments and their translations.
- A database for storing specific terms and phrases.
- A database for storing source documents and their translations.
- A machine translation system for terminology.
10) How many sdlxliff files can you open in the Editor View?
- Only one at a time
- As many as I like
- As many as I like, but only if they belong to the same project
- Not more than three
11) Which extension is used for SDL Trados Studio project files?
12) A Translation Memory is ...
- A sort of automatic translation system.
- A list of sentences in either delimited text or Microsoft Excel format.
- A database that stores source and target segments.
- A database that stores source and target terms
13) Saving a document as target...
- always overwrites the original document, as the name of the target document cannot be changed.
- requires you to select a different path for storing the target file.
- generates the finalized version of the currently translated document in the native format, but only works when you have fully translated the document.
- generates the target document in its native format.
14) What happens by default when you confirm a target segment, e.g. through Ctrl+Enter?
- The segment is stored in the TM and you move to the next (untranslated) segment.
- The segment is marked as a 100% match.
- The segment becomes a context match.
- The segment is marked with a pencil icon, the TM remains unchanged.
15) Which Batch Task function would you use when you want to update your main Translation Memory connected to your project?
- Pre-translate files
- Update Project Translation Memories
- Update from Bilingual Review
- Update Main Translation Memories
16) How many types of projects can you manage with SDL Trados Studio?
- Single File Projects and Studio Projects
- Single Document Projects, Package Projects and Studio Projects
- Single File Projects, Studio Projects, GroupShare Projects and Package Projects.
- Single File Projects, Studio Projects and Server Projects.
17) The Copy Source to Target function is useful when...
- the target segment needs to be left empty.
- no translation can be found in the TM.
- when the source segment contains a lot of known terms.
- the translation for a segment is identical or very similar to the source segment.
18) Which of the following statements is correct about Concordance Search?
- A concordance search is always carried out on the whole segment or on single words.
- With a concordance search, you can look up a string selected from a source or target segment.
- A concordance search is carried out both in the TM and in the AutoSuggest dictionary.
- Concordance searches are carried out in the termbase and in the TM simultaneously.
19) Comments cannot be applied to...
- the whole document
- a whole segment
- a selected string
- a selection of segments
20) How can you transfer tags from the source to the target segment?
- By double-clicking the tag in the source segment.
- Using drag & drop
- By right-clicking the tag in the source segment.
- By clicking the tag in the source segment while holding down the Ctrl key.
21) When you open a project package...
- you can extract its content to any folder.
- you always have to create a new folder for each project.
- you need to extract its content to the folder where the package is stored.
- you need to extract its content to an empty folder.
22) How do you generate a translation in its native format from an SDLXLIFF file?
- Through File -> Save
- Through File -> Save Source As
- Through File -> Save Target As
- Through File -> Print Preview
23) Which feature copies confirmed translations from one segment to other segments (in the same document) that have identical source content?
- AutoSuggest
- Fuzzy matching
- Context matching
- Auto-propagation
24) What kind of information does the third (middle) column of the side-by-side editor in SDL Trados Studio show?
- The segment id.
- The document structure information.
- The source segment.
- The segment status.
25) Which of the following functions is not part od SDL Trados Studio, and can only be performed in a separate application.
- Teminology managment
- Upgrading translation memories
- Translating and reviewing
- Project managment
26) How many TMs can you specify in a project?
- Up to 3 TMs
- There is no limits to the number of TM you can add.
- Your TM and the Agency's TM
- Only one TM per project
27) In which direction can translations be auto-propagated?
- Translations can be auto-propagated to segments below and above the currently active segment.
- Translations can only be auto-propagated to segments above your currently active segment.
- Translations can be auto-propagated to segments below and above the currently active segment, if they are currently shown on the screen.
- Translations can only be auto-propagated to segments below your currently active segment.
28) You have partially translated a DOC file and saved it as an SDLXLIFF. The next day, you would like to continue translating the document. Which document do you open to continue your work?
- The original DOC file.
- The SDLXLIFF document derived from the original DOC file.
- You need to open the original DOC file, but re-save it as SDLXLIFF.
- The original DOC file or the SDLXLIFF document.
29) What is a TMX file format?
- It is a particular Termabase that can be connected to SDL Trados Studio.
- It is a particular Translation Memory exchange format that can be sent to users of Cat Tools other than SDL Trados Studio
- It is a multilanguage format of Glossary
- It is a sort of File Type supported bt SDL Trados Studio for translation.
30) What is a segment status?
- The status is the same as the match value.
- The status of a segment can only be seen when you are in review mode.
- The status shows if the segment has been confirmed or it is still a draft
- The status of the segment is shown by the letters (H, P) in the fifth column in the editor.